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Pablo neruda in a sentence

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Sentence count:9Posted:2018-08-29Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: nerudapablo picassogarudaeruditeeruditioncapablecapablypalpableMeaning: n. Chilean poet (1904-1973). 
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1 A wine song singed by Chilean poet Pablo Neruda.
2 This year is the 100 th birthday of Pablo Neruda ( 1904 - 1973 ).
3 Pablo Neruda : Man has no business with the simplicity or complexity of things.
4 He has translated work of Pablo Neruda and other poets.
5 He remembers a line Mariah used to quote from a poem by Pablo Neruda.
6 A judge in Chile has ordered an investigation into the death, in 1973, of the Nobel prize-winning poet, Pablo Neruda, following allegations he may have been poisoned.
7 From the parched but mineral-rich Atacama Desert to haunting Torres del Paine National Park and beyond to stormy Cape Horn, "Chile, " wrote Nobel Prize winner Pablo Neruda, "was invented by a poet.
8 To cover up the publication of his first poem, he took the pen name Pablo Neruda.
9 This paper concentrates on the study of the reception and shaping of Pablo Neruda in china since 1949.
More similar words: nerudapablo picassogarudaeruditeeruditioncapablecapablypalpablepalpablyculpableincapablegraspablestoppableimpalpablelaudablylaudableblondunflappableunstoppableinescapablydevelopablebe capable ofinescapablerunner-upoblongblondeforerunnerbase runnerglomerulonephritisloner
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